
Discover science with Nova Genetic!

On Friday, September 25th we organized with SeedLab the science festival on the Novalliance France site.

A day of discovery around science and plants

Novalliance France employees were invited to participate in 8 fun workshops. The goal was to present, via the science festival (national event from October 2 to 12), our work within Nova Genetic in a popularized way with some practical workshops to understand the stakes but also the complexity of the DNA, the plant cell, the job of the breeder…

All day long, the collaborators were invited in small groups (Covid-19 obliges) to divide up into one of the following workshops:

  1. Reveal the researcher in you:  Discover the work of a breeder
  2. Washing-up liquid, salt and DNA: making strawberry DNA appear
  3. Harib’ADN: understanding DNA bases with candy
  4. Diving into the plant cell: microscopic analysis of onion and leek cells

Three exhibitions on emblematic species of the tropics have also been set up:

  • Baobab: these mysterious giants
  • The art of watermelon: from yesterday to today
  • Travelling seeds

And finally to conclude these workshops a film session with 4 short videos aimed at discovering in more detail the nuances of DNA, Research and the plant cell.

The experience was a great success, the 41 participants showed a strong interest in the proposed workshops (especially the candy-based ones!). As for the exhibitions, they will remain on the premises for a few more weeks to be enjoyed by all visitors!

Discover in video a preview of this 100% science day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP4dwrh6I-A&t=7s

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